People run for a lot of different reasons-exercise, relaxation and just pure enjoyment. As Christians, we are in a race and exhorted to run the race with endurance, but sometimes, we run aimlessly; running after things that don't serve the ultimate purpose of our lives which is to enjoy God and love Him forever- to truly live in intimacy and oneness with the Lord; to be in Christ and have Christ in us as our living.
I have felt like Forrest at times, running without any real goal or end in mind. And, like Forrest, I have found myself "pretty tired", bone weary even. The things I was pursuing were good things, but good things done apart from Christ are like wood, hay and stubble(1 Corinthians 3:12-13). Wood, hay and stubble are quickly consumed by the fire, but the gold, silver and precious stones endure the fire.
My word for this year is FOCUS. Keeping myself turned to Him helps me to eliminate everything that is not of Him; yes, even the good things. There is so much to draw us away from the simplicity of Christ-even in the church. I do believe that the key to rest, joy, peace, contentment and all the spiritual blessings that are ours in Christ can be experienced as long as we abide in Him and continue to look away from all other things and depend solely upon Him
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