Friday, April 21, 2017

5 Minute Friday-Sing!

Today's prompt for 5 Minute Friday is "sing." Lately, my 9 yr-old and I have been enjoying some of the hymns of the faith. Yesterday, we sang one of my favorite hymns, "All the Way My Saviour Leads Me" by Fanny Crosby. A mother soothes and rejoices over her infant with singing.I remember a special song I composed for my first daughter. I was so elated to finally be a mother and I would sing this simple little song over and over to her, "Amaris, Amaris, She's a pretty little baby, Amaris, Amaris, she's a pretty little girl."  I appreciate the verse in Zephaniah that says that God rejoices over us with singing. Singing comforts, lifts the spirits and encourages. The Bible says that God inhabits the praises of His people. At creation the angels sang, at the birth of Christ they sang and when Christ is glorified they will sing! In between, there is singing by Miriam and the children of Israel upon their deliverance from Egypt, Deborah sang when Israel defeated their enemies, Christ and the disciples sang on the night He was crucified and Paul and Silas sang while imprisoned. I have sung with choirs, by myself and of course with my 9 yr-old, but the singing that I enjoy the most is the singing  with Christ now and forever! Praise Him!


  1. I love how you sum up in so few words so many times when singing features in the Bible. It really is everywhere! I love that verse in Zephaniah about God singing over us and the example of Paul and Silas singing and praising God even while they were in prison. Visiting from FMF #13.

    1. Hi Lesley! Thank you for stopping by. Yes, singing is abundant throughout the Word! We can praise Him at all times.

  2. hi pat, i think we were thinking along similiar lines today:) i'm at 58 today.

  3. Ha Ha! It appears so! My 9 yr-old and I picked up hymn singing again. I love the old hymns, not just because I'm old either! I love them because they are so rich in biblical truth. This week we sang, "All the WAy My Saviour Leads Me". It's one of my favorite hymns. We also learned that Fanny Crosby memorized all four gospels, the Pentateuch, Proverbs, Song of Solomon and some of the Psalms!
