Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A New Year

January 3, 2017

Ahh, the New Year. For many this is a time of reflection and resolution making. Earlier, this year, I realized that the changes that I wanted in my life couldn't wait until January 1, 2017. They needed to be started TODAY.

As of today, I am two weeks into exercising consistently. With so many great sources on the Internet, I found my excuse list growing shorter and shorter. Some of my favorites are Jessica Smith and Leslie Sansone walking videos which can be found on Youtube.

As a child, I was a voracious reader. In 3rd grade, I won the prize for reading the most books that school year-a whopping 134! Recently, a blogger friend, www.Joyintheordinary.com, renewed my love for reading. I recently completed Present over Perfect. Although it was repetitive at times, it was encouraging and left me with several things to muse on. Below are some of the books, I plan to read this year. Several of the books are books borrowed from my local library. Did I mention that I was a bibliophile?! One way that I am hoping to reduce debt and clutter is to utilize my local library more.

One of the books on my list, is Financial Peace by Dave Ramsey. It's an oldie but goodie which I am perusing mainly for encouragement as we pursue our goal of becoming debt free. Yesterday, I wrote down the reason that I want to become debt free(besides going on the Dave Ramsey show to do the debt free scream-and dance!) is to "Be free so that I can give freely and live freely." In some ways, I am able to do that now, but it can be limiting because of debt.

Finally, I want to grow in my relationship with the Lord this year. Last year, I started a study on the book of Isaiah with a friend. I really enjoyed this especially because Isaiah had always been a book I shied away from. Besides continuing the Isaiah study, I am studying Ephesians by reading one chapter daily for a week and reading a Proverb daily. Since there are 30-31 days per month, the daily Proverb reading is a great reading plan. I will be sharing highlights here at the blog. I'm also working on scripture memory using Scripture Typer. I have tried other memorization methods, including Memverse,  but I really like Scripture Typer and highly recommend it!

Today's precept from 365 Days of Wonder is "Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind".-Henry James.

That's all for now. Please share your goals, dreams and plans for 2017!

grace and peace,


  1. My hope for 2017 is that I will continue to grow in Him. I hope that my family will be stronger, and like you and your family, we will free ourselves from debt. I am working towards being a better writer and learning resource designer.

    1. If you decide to write a book this year, I would like an autographed copy please AND my senior discount!
