Friday, February 10, 2017

Five Minute Friday-Safe

Today's word is safe. A person that is safe has been saved from something, whether a fire or natural disaster, this is a person who has been rescued and brought into a safe harbor. Christ is our safe harbor. He has rescued us from the penalty and power of sin and now we are safe in Him. He is our hope, our stay, our safety. Safe is a wonderful word. For me it brings up images of a mother tucking her child safely in bed and shooing away all the monsters under the bed. One of my daughter's was afraid of worms. One night as we entered the house, she noticed some words by the gate. She was terrified.  As I took her hand, I reminded her that I was there and that I would hold her hand all the way and lead her inside. In that moment, I was reminded that the Father does the same for us. We are not always kept from the terrible, scary things, but He holds us in His hands and leads us safely through.

He is -



  1. Yes, it is good to be safe. The only safe place in the world is in God's will, I think. With Christ I am ready to go anywhere, without him no. Thank you for your thoughts! Blessings!

  2. Your comforting words to your daughter reminded me of God's comfort to us in the 23rd Psalm. So many other places throughout scripture but that one comes quickly to mind.

    1. forgive the typos. I'm a new blogger and it shows! lol! I almost want to ask for a head start on doing these. It takes me so much time just formatting things sometimes. Thank you for stopping by!

      grace and peace to you!

  3. I am grateful for the Father who keeps me safe even when the world around me is crazy. I love the analogy. :) Thanks for sharing.
